Date | Event |
December 9, 2024 | Last Day to Submit Abstracts |
December 11, 2024 | Last Day to Pay Participation Fee |
December 12, 2024 | Announcement of Conference Program |
December 13, 2024 | Publication of Conference Abstract Proceeding Book with ISBN. |
December 14 - 15, 2024 | Conference Dates |
December 22, 2024 | Last day for full text submission |
December 27-31, 2024 | Publication of Conference Full Text Proceeding Book with ISBN. |
The Optimum Science Conference (OPSCON) is a peer-reviewed, scientific, open-access academic conference that accepts academic work based on originality, importance, timeliness, accessibility, and interdisciplinary interest in various research fields such as science, technology, engineering, medicine, and their education. With this perspective, OPSCON aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge through sustainability and innovative approaches.
By forming the foundation of science, sustainability, and innovation, OPSCON offers new and effective solutions for the conservation of natural resources and the enhancement of societal well-being. Sustainability is supported by innovative approaches developed under the guidance of science, with a focus on permanent and environmentally friendly technologies and practices for the future. In the 21st century, with the rapid changes and transformations in science and technology, scientists have developed the concept of "Innovative Approach" in their fields through innovative searches. This concept aims to generate new ideas related to a field of science, service, product, or process.
The context between these two areas, namely sustainability and innovative approach, which gain momentum within the dynamic nature of science, creates a synergy that is increasingly critical today. These two concepts, by nourishing each other, provide long-term benefits both environmentally and economically. In the direction of solving problems, topics such as resource efficiency, long-term competitive advantage, circular economy, social and environmental impact, and risk management have become the domain of science from an interdisciplinary perspective.
OPSCON sees it as an academic responsibility to support practical applications and academic studies that contribute to our understanding of the natural world and affect the progress of science, technology, engineering, medicine, and field education in our daily lives. In this context, abstracts targeting the education of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, environmental science, applied sciences, engineering, health sciences, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology, metallurgy, materials science, and natural sciences are included in the scope of the conference.
OPSCON meets the criteria for associate professorship applications due to its international participation and foreign scientific committee members. Important dates, abstract submission guidelines, and information about the committees are available on our website. Since the conference is planned to be held on an online platform, explanations regarding this matter will be shared with our valuable participants in the coming days. We will be honored to have all scientists who wish to contribute to the scientific world with their innovative approaches among us.
Online: Presentations will be conducted via Zoom / Google Meet. The Google Meet/Zoom ID and password will be published along with the conference program.
The conference will be held in both Turkish and English, and the program will be conducted online. All academic papers submitted to the conference will undergo peer review by experts in the field, and once accepted for presentation, they will be published as an ISBN paper book on the specified date. YOU CAN PARTICIPATE IN OUR CONFERENCE BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO
Prof. Dr. Harun Çelik
Kırıkkale University
Amasya University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Uğur SARI
Kırıkkale University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Tezcan KARTAL Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Türkiye
Hason Publishing, Türkiye
Dr. Muzaffer ADAK, Pamukkale University - Astrophysics - High Energy Physics
Dr. Alipaşa AYAS, Bilkent University - Chemistry Education
Dr. Sezgin AYDIN, Gazi University - Computational Materials Science
Dr. Tulli ARIYARATNE, University of Cincinnati, USA
Dr. Valarie AKERSON, Indiana University - Science Education
Dr. Eylem BAYIR, Trakya University, TUR
Dr. Sezgin BAKIRDERE, Yıldız Technical University - Analytical Chemistry
Dr. Songül BÜYÜKKALE, Haliç University - Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation
Dr. Alexandre BERMOUS, Southern Federal University, RUS
Dr. Aykut Emre BOZDOĞAN, Gaziosmanpaşa University, TUR
Dr. Mehmet ÇAKMAK, Gazi University, TUR
Dr. Rıdvan ELMAS, Afyon Kocatepe University, TUR
Dr. Ali ERDEN, International Final University, TRNC
Dr. Rıza ERDEM, Akdeniz University - Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics
Dr. Fatih ERSAN, Adnan Menderes University - Computational Materials Science
Dr. Günnur GÜLER, Izmir Institute of Technology, TUR
Dr. Durmuş Alper GÖRÜR, University of Health Sciences, TUR
Dr. Baki KARABÖCE, Turkish National Metrology Institute - Metrology
Dr. Sevilay KARAMUSTAFAOĞLU, Amasya University, TUR
Dr. Cansel KADIOĞLU-AKBULUT, Gaziosmanpasa University, TUR
Dr. Özgül KELEŞ, Aksaray University, TUR
Dr. Bircan KOLBAŞI, İstanbul Medipol University, TUR
Dr. Milan KUBİATKO, J. E. Purkyne University - Science Education
Dr. Nevin KOZCU ÇAKIR, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, TUR
Dr. Mustafa Serdar KÖKSAL, Hacettepe University, TUR
Dr. Haydar LİVATYALI, Yıldız Technical University - Mechanical Engineering, Machine Design
Dr. Fatih Çağlayan MERCAN, Boğaziçi University, TUR
Dr. Shadia Jamil IKHMAYIES, The University of Jordan - Thin Films and Solar Cells
Dr. Önder İDİL, Amasya University, TUR
Dr. Jacinta A. OPARA, Dominican University - Biological Systems and Organisms
Dr. Metin ORBAY, Hacı Bayram Veli University - Applied Mathematics
Dr. İsmail OVALI, Pamukkale University - Indoor Outdoor Autonomous Robots, Robot Operating System
Dr. Ali ÖVGÜN, Eastern Mediterranean University - Theoretical Astrophysics
Dr. Süleyman ÖZÇELİK, Gazi University - Photonics, Semiconductor Technology
Dr. Tuncay ÖZSEVGEÇ, Trabzon University - Physics Education
Dr. Harun Kemal ÖZTÜRK, Pamukkale University - Thermodynamics, Renewable Energy
Dr. Muhammed RİAZ, University of the Punjab - Mathematics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Dr. Pradyumn Kumar SAHOO, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Plani - Theoretical Cosmology
Dr. İlkay SALİHOĞLU, University of Kyreina, Chemical Oceanography
Dr. Ahmet İlhan ŞEN, Hacettepe University, Physics Education
Dr. Ayşe OĞUZ ÜNVER, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, TUR
Dr. Haluk ÖZMEN, Trabzon University, TUR
Dr. Sudhir Madhav PATIL, COEP Technological University, IND
Dr. Antonio Jesús PÉREZ SİERRA, University of Sonora, MEX
Dr. Onur PUSULUK, Kadir Has University, TUR
Dr. Hanan SALEH, Al Hussein bin Talal University, JOR
Dr. Uğur SARI, Kırıkkale University, TUR
Dr. Aslıhan SEZGİN, Amasya University, TUR
Dr. Elvan ŞAHİN, Middle East Technical University, TUR
Dr. Aslı ŞENSOY, Gaziosmanpasa University, TUR
Dr. Yasemin TABAK, TUBITAK UME, Quantum Metrology Laboratory, TUR
Dr. Hakan TÜRKMEN, Ege University, TUR
Dr. Süleyman YAMAN, Ondokuz Mayıs University, TUR
Dr. Rahmi YAĞBASAN, Başkent University, TUR
Dr. Mehmet YAĞMURCUKARDEŞ, İzmir Institute of Technology - Computational Material Science
Dr. Ömer YAVAŞ, Ankara University - Engineering Physics, Particle Accelerators and Light Sources
Dr. Özgül YILMAZ TÜZÜN, Middle East Technical University, TUR
Dr. Mustafa YILMAZLAR, Sakarya University, TUR
Dr. Hatice Hilal YÜCEL, Gazi University - Plasma Physics, Optoelectronics, Semiconductors
Research Assistant Hüseyin Miraç PEKTAŞ
MSc. İbrahim Serdar KIZILTEPE
Türkiye | International (Outside from Türkiye) |
Participation with one paper | 500 ₺ | 20 $ (USD) |
(*)Participation with two papers | 750 ₺ | 30 $ (USD) |
Listener/Observer | 100 ₺ | 5 $ (USD) |
The fee for participating in the conference planned as online is 500 ₺ for one paper. For a second paper, the fee is 750 ₺, provided both papers are from the same authors and presented in sequence. For other cases, the standard fee applies. For international participants, the fee is $20 (USD) for one paper and $30 (USD) for two papers, provided both papers are from the same authors.
After the acceptance of your abstract, you can transfer your FEE and send the receipt via email to The suggested text for the bank transfer description is as follows:
“OPSCON2024 has been transferred for the abstract with ID xxxx.”
Note: No refunds will be made for the fees paid.
Submission fee payments are handled under OPSCON HASON Publishing through the domestic or international accounts listed below. International submission fees will be processed in USD (symbol). The transfer fee will be borne by the abstract authors and should be made using the Akbank SWIFT code AKBKTRIS.
Bank Name: AKBANK
Account Holder: Hasan Ongan
IBAN: TR52 0004 6004 0988 8000 0142 56 This is a Turkish Lira account.
IBAN: TR31 0004 6000 0600 1000 2752 38 This is a Dollar (USD) account.
Summary and Full Text paper: Your summaries and full texts related to the conference (full text paper is not mandatory) will be published in an ISBN-registered conference book by OPSCON HASON Publishing. These publications are included in the conference registration fee.
Publication Opportunity in International Journals:
Note: Important note: The conference organization does not have the authority to intervene in the journal publication process. You must send your articles directly to the journal and follow the process with the journal. Articles that pass the journal's peer-review process will be published.
Participants who wish to make a video presentation must select the video presentation option in the presentation type section during application. Participants who choose this option should record their presentations in video formats such as mp4, avi, mov not exceeding 15 minutes, upload them to their own Google Drive, and send the link to "Video Presentation Recording" to
Please pay attention to the technical details for video presentations:
• It is important that participants record their video presentations with their own image visible on the presentation screen.
• Video presenters are required to submit their presentations to by the last day of presentations, no later than 17:00.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests regarding the conference. Please reach out to us via the email address below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.